Mediliv Syrup

MediLiv Restores deranged functions of hepatocytes Liver curative and protective Quickly restores natural liver functions helps promote the breakdown of collagen in the liver. Viral hepatitis Alcoholic liver disease Pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis Protein energy malnutrition Loss of appetite Radiation and chemotherapy-induced liver damage Drug-induced hepatotoxicity fatty infiltration of liver Non-specific gastro intestinal symptoms associated with hepatic dysfunction A helpful adjuvant to Anti -tubercular therapy convalescence and prolonged dysfunction Cholagogue in post cholecystectomy

MediLiv  Restores deranged functions of hepatocytes Liver curative and protective Quickly restores natural liver functions helps promote the breakdown of collagen in the liver.



MediLiv ensures optimum hepatic functions by shielding hepatocytes from damage due to diverse causes such as alcohol, drugs, toxins and viruses and promoting hepatocellular regeneration through its multiple pharmacological actions.  Livace DS cleanse the body of improperly digested impurities, environmental toxins, and toxins from medications. It helps strengthening and detoxifies liver so that liver is better able to convert the food into pure blood and healthy cells. Livace DS promotes weight gain by improving appetite, the digestion and assimilation processes. Livace DS health benefits may extend from the liver to the stomach, pancreas, and cardiovascular system also helps promote the breakdown of collagen in the liver. also helps promote the breakdown of collagen in the liver Excess collagen can interfere with normal detoxification processes

Therapeutic category:- Hepatoprotective and antioxidant



Viral hepatitis Alcoholic liver disease
Pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis
Protein energy malnutrition
Loss of appetite
Radiation and chemotherapy-induced liver damage
Drug-induced hepatotoxicity
fatty infiltration of liver
Non-specific gastro intestinal symptoms
associated with hepatic dysfunction
A helpful adjuvant to Anti -tubercular therapy
convalescence and prolonged dysfunction
Cholagogue in post cholecystectomy


Therapeutic dose:
Adults  2-3 Tablespoonful twice daily after meals
Children (up to three years)  10-20 drops thrice daily
Infants    05drops  thrice daily

Preventive dose: 1 Tablespoonful twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician
Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.



For full benefit and long-lasting results use for several weeks


No adverse effects are observed at  therapeutically recommended doses


should be avoided with laxatives or purgatives


Should not be used in diarrhoea